What is the collective management?

At the present stage the history of Mankind represents development of socioeconomic formations changing one another, each of which has the specific laws of occurrence and development. In each formation the general{common} laws connecting formations in uniform process of a world{global} history act, also. One of the binding systems inherent in each formation, hierarchical organization of an authority and management is. Irrespective of type of a socioeconomic structure this organization is vertical - from the highest level to the lowest. The highest level , having an authority, receive abundance and the blessing as against the lowest which all it are deprived. Such structure of management inevitably results in continuous struggle for an authority, for levers of an authority. Constant struggle gives rise to mistrust to each other and even to itself. Fear to lose an authority inevitably results in desire to receive from it{her}maximally, generates corruption, the constant companion of an authority at any formation.
The paradox consists in , that we delegate an authority above ourselves to separate individuals, allowing them to dispose of our destiny. We vote for the president and we give to hands of one person of destiny of millions people. Thus the opinion of electorate of lost candidates- it is tens millions people - interests nobody. Unless it is fairly?!
It is necessary to change a management system, to change the approach to this problem, it is necessary to be released of belief in necessity of authorities which should operate us and make for us the important decisions. Management systems which would take into account the greatest possible quantity{amount} of opinions are necessary.When each, basically, could take part in management of this or that structure (factory, joint-stock company, city, area{field}, country, etc.) It there should be a system in which its{her} members would be engaged in collective creativity, instead of own ambitions.
Here the principle of management which main idea consists in constant movement of members of collective of managers on posts is offered: from centre to periphery, from periphery to centre and again to periphery, etc. The graphic representation of such system - is the image on a plane of the vortex formation in the form of the torus being very stable and durable structure. The hint at such system is given in book "Chenneling" of publishing house " Sofia "
On fig.1 the system designed for 73 persons is represented. Figures mean posts.
0 - the president, the prime minister, the director, etc.
1,43,13,55,25,67,37,7,49,19,61,31 - advice{Council} of Twelve, board of directors, ministerial council, etc.;
1,2,3,4,5,6 or 43,44,45,46,47,48 or 13,14,15,16,17,18, etc. - a semicircle of influence at movement on posts (on an arrow{a pointer});
35,64,21,50,7 or 47,4,33,62,19 or 59,16,45,2,31, etc. - a semicircle of a direction.
The semicircle of influence and semicircle of a direction are formed the ministry, department, an agency , any other structure, etc.
For example: 1,2,3,4,5,6,35,64,21,50,7 - the ministry in which chapter two ministers 1 and 7 .


Besides at movement{traffic} on a semicircle of influence each manager gets in a new circle of advice{council} of Twelve. One we have already termed - ministerial council or board of directors or still somehow. The following advice{council} of Twelve - 2,44,14,56,26,68,38,8,50,20,62,32 - for example, advice{council} under the legislation. Then there can be such advices{councils} - on safety, on internal and foreign policy, on economic development, on physical and spiritual perfection. The last advice{council} are posts 6,36,66,24,54,12,42,72,30,60,18,48. In total it was received six advices{councils} and twelve ministries. Each advice{council} interacts with centre - a post "0" - and all solutions are accepted by a consensus. In the ministry consisting from eleven person, two persons control the ministry.
Twelve ministries, are methodologicalally connected with six advices{councils}. Advices make the decisions on strategic directions, the ministries and the departments subordinated to him{it} are engaged in detailed study of these decisions:

On start the members of a command{team} borrow{occupy} posts according to a lot. 72 persons on 72 posts. In the certain time there is a change of posts with one step on an arrow{a pointer} 1-2, 7-8, 72-1, etc. If the system is designed per annum each member of a command{team} will visit each post 365:72 = 5 days. If for two years - 10 days, etc.
Advice{Council} of Twelve rejects any decision of the President if this decision is not approved by a consensus. The ministry copes two ministers (members of advice{council} of Twelve). Each employee of the ministry simultaneously is the employee of other ministry according to a place in a semicircle of influence and of direction. And only on periphery there are the "easy" posts relating only to any one ministry. After their passage, i.e. after "rest", the person again gets in « a ministerial armchair ». Though the place of rest could be named those with the big stretch, can be considered these posts as centres (a post "0") of other less significant divisions, services, the departments acting under the same circuit and interacting through these posts with the basic system. In auxiliary systems as against the basic the central post is replaceable, but decisions are accepted, as, on the basis of a consensus of opinions of members of subordinate advices{councils} of Twelve. Decisions in the ministry consisting from 11 person, also are accepted by a consensus of opinions of two members of ministerial council.
It is possible, that the commands{teams} forming the ministries and commands{teams}, forming advices{councils} should be separate on 72 person in each, by a principle of the device of atom - missing radial circles (advices{councils}) and the circles fastened on centre (ministries).
The company controlled by such command{team}, is insured from an arbitrariness of separate persons since people in such management system constantly are in movement{traffic} on posts. The structure of the ministries, ministerial council and other advices{councils} constantly vary. It causes a constant information exchange, disinterest in posts, but interest in collective. Equality, trust to each other, feeling of the big personal responsibility - the basic emotional components in such system. And main - this system cannot be corrupted, since to purchase is necessary all simultaneously, on each question, each time. Money - will not suffice.
It goes without saying, it should be competent, highly educated, erudite people.
Assignment to the post occurs through passage of periodically quoted competition on replacement of a vacant post. Competition, the composite in many stages, instead of elections on which the post can be purchased simply. Therefore any person, basically, can hold any post on the top, as at passage of competition is important, that at the person in a head, instead of that that at his pocket or who stands behind a back.
Unconditionally, work in such system should have corresponding - high enough indemnification.
The interrelation with similar subordinate structure is carried out by an information exchange of the members of higher structure with center of subordinate structure.
Clearly, that we receive such systems simple graphic construction. Therefore to construct it is possible practically any variant interesting us.
Interaction of two equivalent systems is carried out by simultaneous interaction of centres of systems with peripheries (fig. 2).


In collective control{management} systems its{her} each representative above all puts activity of collectivized reason. Functions of the member of a command{team}to transform the received information from the previous structure, to introduce to it{her} own conclusions and versions, to pass the collective decision with allowance for of old and new versions and to send the information upwards. In such chaotic movement{traffic} of equivalent versions by all means will leave upward and the versions corresponding to zigzags of an objective picture of life, most fully and precisely answering on the delivered questions will be accepted.
Such management systems are dictated by the nature, the life. So interreacts atoms (the ionic and a covalent binding), so atoms are arranged, so structures of space are controled . Such system of the communications and management inevitably expects also us. That such to accept - the consciousness should start to be changed. The consciousness is that is near to Knowledge. Knowledges already so many that we have not time to bring them in storage of our computers. Therefore, we on a threshold.

The literature:
1. Chenneling. "Sofia"; 1997.; Kiev.

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