Proton, neutron.

The proton has the same structure as it circumscribed above, but without rings and leptons of space leave in themselves.
The neutron as has structure of a proton, but the ring shape, that is is present the crank chamber in which are twirled in opposite directions of half one leptons. Thus, the atom of deuterium has following structure (from within outside):
1. The proton, power, which lines of force are made on itself.
2. Two cylindrical rings rotaried in the opposite legs{parties} and being halves one lepton.
3. The exterior vortex ring formed{educated} by a principle of an interior proton and consisting, also, from N- of quantity{amount} of leptons, but thus the bound with a ring lepton.
4. An exterior leptonic ring as in atom of hydrogen.
At split of a nucleus of deuterium the above described proton and a neutron of the ring shape with an interior leptonic ring is formed. Because of presence of an interior "empty" vacuity the ambient pressure squeezes a neutron so, that at diminution of diameter the interior leptonic cylindrical ring is extruded and is formed two particles - a proton and a mobile electron. Therefore the neutron is labile.
Atoms are formed at various combinations of protons and neutrons, both by quantity{amount}, and on co-perpendicular orientation of нейтронно-proton planes. At orthogonal cross of planes the quantity{amount} of "clouds" depends on quantity{amount} of planes. One plane - one spherical cloud consisting of two halves. Two planes - four clouds. Three planes - eight clouds. It corresponds{meets} to electronic sublevels in a modern physics.

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