The fifth approximation.

Let's consider operation binary planetary systems (fig. 53 ). In figure are marked out:
0,0 ` - a medial link;
1,1 ` - satellites;
2,2 ` - planets;
3,3 ` - the planetary suns;
4,4 ` - the satellite suns;
5,5 ` - an input, an output{exit} of planetary system, an input of the information about space, an output{exit} of the information about planetary system.
To not encumber figure, we shall consider system, at which four planets and three satellite groups. From the same reasons in figure pole spaces of planets and satellites do not reflex. For the left-hand link of binary system an arrangement of planets with it is left on the right corresponds{meets} to an arrangement of planets from the Sun to a rim. An arrangement of satellites and satellite groups with it is left on the right corresponds{meets} to an arrangement of satellites from a rim to centre. For solar system the order looks as follows (at the left on the right): a Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars........ Pluto (planets), Haron, satellites of Neptune, Satellites of Uranus............. A Fobos, Deymos, a Moon. For the right link of binary system an arrangement in specular reflection. The sun lighting planets have the fiery nature. The fire comes on a planet, is reflected as light and leaves on a medial planet, is reflected from it{her} and spread to planets and satellites of other link of binary system. The reflex information leaves, as, in free space through a band 5. From the satellite suns, carrier light, the reflex information is spread in the same way. About the suns the information going through a band 5 without reflection, is toted and spread in free space as the star. The information on the space is entered into planetary system through bands 5 is reflected from a medial planet and spread on planets and satellites. From Kalagia we know, that the system will consist of two bands of simularities - the active and passive. In figure we visual, as, two bands, conditionally upper and inferior. These bands correspond to two parts of a merkaba, one charged positively, and another negative, that is one active, and another passive (in a science the negative electrode is considered the active). Our planet has a negative charge, hence, we in an active region - a band of "World". The passive band relevant to a positive charge, is "Antiworld" (fig. 54 ). Inputs and outputs{exits} of planetary systems are bound{interlinked} with free space through bands 5. Free space is between plates of hexahedrons (fig. 55 ).
The medial link also will consist of two bands (fig. 56 , 56A ). Each band will consist of planetary bands of reflection or planetary bands of reception of a signal. The going signal from a planet has an elliptic trajectory (for fixed system). Signals from satellites and satellite groups are bound{interlinked} to trajectories of the planets. Bands of reception are imposed against each other. The greatest band at the planet most remote from the sun, therefore all signals from other planets will feature the complete ellipse on a reflecting plane and on a firmament of the observer such planets will walk "there - here", i.e. will be identified by the observer as planets taking place closer to centre. The own signal of reflection is quenched by a reflex signal from a planet. For the proximal from the sun of a planet a band of reflection the smallest and signals from other planets feature only a part of an ellipse, therefore on a firmament of the observer such planets move only in one direction and are identified as a planet more remote from centre.

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