Density of an electric field on equator.

In a composition of atom there can be both horizontal, and vertical planes of the vortex formations. Formative vertical planes, lines neutrino in the total also shape an electric field of a planet, leaving vertically of its{her} surface.
As the sectional area of a tubular lepton of space on many orders is less than sectional area of a lepton of time, is definable approximate quantity{amount} of leptons of the space - time, falling a unit area of a surface, through a sectional area of a lepton of Time.


Surface density of a charge:


Electric intensity on equator it is determined as intensity uniformly the charged infinite plane:


The electric intensity which has been counted up as for a planet of the spherical shape, relevant to a Coulombian field:


Where Q - a planetary charge; R - radius of a planet.
Effects{Results} have practically coincided. The discrepancy can speak, for example, that at count of quantity{amount} of the leptons, falling a unit area of a surface, we took a pure sectional area of a lepton (the area of a circle). The actual area will be a little bit more (for example, a quadrate with the leg{party} 2 R a lepton.) then the quantity{amount} of the leptons, falling a unit area will decrease, accordingly, also intensity a little will decrease.
Count of an electric intensity at a motion to a pole will be yielded after count of parameters of a lepton of space and a lepton of time in a composition of atom at approach of atom to a pole. This intensity will be incremented according to parameters of a field of a propellented point charge.

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