
When we speak about inertness, we, as a rule, use expression - "inertial force". But, according to the second Newton's laws, the body is in a quiescence or goes rectilinearly and uniformly in lack{absence} of the applied{put} superposed forces. Nevertheless, when we move on inertia and we meet with a hindrance to the full we can feel that we term with an inertial force. In the modern fathoming such appearance is termed as conservation of momentum.
According to Kalagia, inertia is an objective standing of spatial build-up in peak instants of Time. In our reasoning peak instants are bands of obturatings in microleptonic lines, and spatial build-up are bands of a focusing of these lines in atoms.
It has above been shown, that due to frequency characteristics of a band of obturating move with velocity of a planetary strip and for the observer are immobile. Accordingly, in atom, centres of a focusing of leptons at the relevant frequency characteristic, move with velocity of a planetary strip, i.e. the atom for the observer is in a quiescence. Hence, we could term these frequencies frequencies of rest. Changed frequency is characterized by the uniform change of coordinate of leptonic focuses concerning a planetary strip and identified by us as a running-out. Process of change of frequency of rest up to a state of frequency of a running-out can be characterized as process of application of force to viewed object.
For a tachyon of which all neutrino and, accordingly, atoms will consist, frequencies of rest are equal (see section "neutrino")


The additional frequency assigned to a longitudinal light wave and ensuring an increase of velocity, equal velocities of a planetary strip (see. Section « a standing wave of density »):


Let the first frequency is termed - power frequency, and second - inertial frequency.
The total of these two frequencies also is frequency of rest i.e. when the body does not change the coordinate or fixed. We characterize change of the first frequency as process of power action on object and finding by object of acceleration from this action. Change second, inertial, frequencies characterizes velocity performances of object and determines maintenance by object of an impulse.
Let's calculate power leptonic potential neutrino:


Radiating from the proposition, that the motion is carried out by means of change of frequency characteristics of a lepton, the complete leptonic potential can be described also as power leptonic potential and inertial leptonic potential. Then in measurement unit - newton - will not be anything terrible. In fact it not mechanical force, it only the potential describing inertial - power performances of object. Also pay attention, that at the formula there is no gravitational mass, and there is a mass substationary. Us, in fact, how many does not confuse, that gravitational and substationary masses have one measurement unit.
Let's consider a particular instance. To a body having a gravitational mass 1kg, under activity equal in effect all forces, equal 1Ньютон and applied{put} on centre of masses, have informed acceleration 1 m/s^2. Through some period power action have stopped. Further the body goes on inertia. We shall discover change of frequency characteristics.
As the neutrino in a composition of atom has volume of the free lepton his{its} gravitational mass is equal:


We determine coefficient of a relation of gravitational and tachyonary mass neutrino:


We determine tachyonary mass of one kilogramme of a gravitational mass:


The modern methods of calculations guess, that all gravitational mass focused in a centre of gravity and equal in effect all forces, also is applied{put} on a centre of gravity. We shall make too most. We count, that all tachyonary mass focused in one neutrino in a centre of gravity and here force is applied{put}. And, as we figure, that process of power action is process of change of frequency of power potential of a lepton (the neutrino is a variety of a lepton) we can find this change by formula:


In comparison with a natural frequency a changes are insignificant, but what effect{result}. Insignificant changes have given in an accelerated motion. Through some period process of power action was finished.
Changes of power leptonic potential, in comparison with a quiescence as are inappreciable:


From the received effect{result} it is visible, that the lepton with a gravitational mass 7,712х10 ^-34 kg gains value
Acceleration 1 m/s^2 from activity of force 7,713х10 ^-34 Newton, directional along a line of a resultant force. Thus, calculations are reduced to deriving the given parameters for one lepton which axis coincides a direction of a vector of equal in effect transiting through centre of masses.
After an extinction of power action and in a time dependence of action the body finds some velocity V. As force and acceleration are equal to null, change of the first frequency equally to null, i.e. value of power frequency is returned in an initial state that is impossible to tell about the second frequency. Change of the second, inertial frequency is maintained, it gives to that the object changes coordinate or goes on inertia. Change of frequency at a running-out is determined by formula:

Hence, it is possible to state, that process of conservation of momentum is process of maintenance of the inertial frequency which are distinct from frequency of rest, and process of a momentum transfer is process of transmission{transfer} of this frequency.
Let's prolong our instance. Let after the termination of power action (in 100 seconds.) the body has velocity of 100 m\s. We determine change of inertial frequency:


We determine change of velocity of quantum:


We determine an inertial force effective on one quantum:


We determine acceleration from activity of an inertial force:


The inertial force effective on a body c with a gravitational mass 1kg, is equal:


Thus, an inertial force - absolutely actual physical property, which potential is included in the structure of a lepton! Acceleration from an inertial force depends only on the velocity received after the termination of the appendix of superposed forces. Hence, it is primary, acceleration. We shall term it{him} is inertial acceleration. Inertial acceleration and quantity of a gravitational mass of a body define a quantity inertial forces. Even at high speeds quantity of inertial acceleration will have very small value, therefore to trace this acceleration a problem rather problematic. With reference to our instance, for change of velocity of all on 1 m\s (up to quantity of 101 m\s) it is required 2,421x10^22 years!
Thus, the statement of the first Newton's laws is untrue basically! Approximately sound this standing can so: «the Body, in lack{absence} of the appendix of superposed forces, is in rest or goes accelerated, under activity of interior inertial potential». Dependences, at a running-out, become known formulas of mechanics:


V0 - velocity received by a body as a result of power action.
аи - inertial acceleration.
Power action on object inevitably gives in strain of object. Strain at an atomic level also is the parent{reason} of change of frequency characteristics. Hence, the inertial force can be viewed as effect{result} of a permanent deformation from power action.
Clearly, that reduction of all parameters to one lepton a thing rather the conditional and allocation of changes goes on all leptonic complex, but we have decided a problem according to a methodology of a modern physics as to decide a problem for each separate lepton business not prime.

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