The seventh approximation.

We simulate atom.

As it has been calculated earlier, the power leptonic potential makes quantity:


The pressure calculated above, equally


Measurement unit J/m^3 corresponds{meets} to measurement unit N/m^2, therefore we shall calculate the area of power action:


We have received the area to the equal two areas of a lepton. It speaks that power action is carried out at change of frequency as direct action (an inlet of quantum in a band of obturating), and inverse action (a separation of quantum from a band of obturating). Geometrically, the lepton participating in shaping of atom, is a spiral twisted in a spiral of other lepton, at a motion in opposite directions (fig. 65). Hence, Time goes both from Past, and from the Future. From Past the information goes as storage (passive component), from the Future the information goes as activity or Destiny (the active component). The fact of a motion in opposite directions explains an opportunity of shaping at centre of atom of a band of obturating.
Let's try to simulate the most simple atom - atom of hydrogen. The atom of hydrogen will consist of a proton and an electron. Practically all mass of atom focused in a proton. The gravitational mass of a proton is equal:


Energy of a proton:


The volume of a proton according to our representations should make (calculation conducted for equator):


In Kalagia it is said, that atoms it is "points" of a focusing or a crystallization of Time. We shall discover quantity{amount} of leptons necessary for a focusing in a proton:


The aggregate energy of leptons corresponds{meets} to energy of a proton:


In Kalagia it is said, that atoms, are preferentially twirled in the planes, being trihedrals. But the trihedral body in the nature does not exist. An explanation simple: a trihedral are three traversed co-perpendicular planes. Therefore the atom can have three planes of gyration. How it looks? All is prime - in three, co-perpendicular planes, the vortex formations received as a result of a focusing n- of quantity{amount} of leptons of one plane in uniform cent (fig. 66) are twirled.
Atom of hydrogen as the most partial, we present as the disk{disc} rotaried in one planes (fig. 67). Power action of a leptonic field falls at a lateral surface. That the power potential remained to stationary values, it is necessary, that the lateral area remained an equal sectional area of a lepton.


For a presence{finding} of critical bucklings of the vortex disk{disc} it is necessary to decide system:


Radius of the vortex formation:

* According to reference datas radius of hydrogen 4,56х10 ^-11 m.



The exterior lepton, as against interior, concentrates on an exterior circle in such a manner that two cylindrical rings, propellented in opposite directions (fig. 68) are formed.
The radius of section of a ring is equal:


Sectional area:


Length of a ring:


Volume of a ring:


Let you does not confuse, that the radius of section of a ring and Н (lateral) incomparablly is less in comparison with radius of an initial lepton, in section "neutrino" articulating will be given.
Halves of leptons which move to centre participate in shaping rings only, and half from total of leptons participates in shaping the "inferior" ring, and second in shaping "upper". Density of a ring:




Energy of a ring:


Energy of two rings:


In a modern physics energy of an electron in atom of hydrogen is computed by formula:


The received data and data of a modern physics are very close. The discrepancy can speak, for example, that the vortex has not the ideal shape of the cylinder, and has some interior conicity so height Н is a little bit more.
We can view the received vortex system as a gyroscope. The gyroscope has property to precess. The precessing gyroscope, the bound "hairlines" with an external field, energizes transverse waves, and plurality of "horizontal" and "vertical" diversions in this field, are perceived by us as electromagnetic modes. So the atom "signals" in an outer space about the presence{finding} in it{him} (fig. 69).
The entering halves of leptons of Time concentrated at centre are conversed to the light which the vortex spherical a spout misses on a rim and leaves in an external field as radiating halves of leptons of Space. The leptons of Space concentrated on a rim, the vortex spherical a spout of the Light{Fire} enter centre and miss on a plane in an external field, shaping radiating halves of leptons of Time. So in atom there is an information interchange between Time and Space (fig. 70). As it is said in "Kalagia" we have received the spatial build-up charged with a fire and light. And, Light and the Fire, according to "Kalagia" are the special classes charging Space - Time.

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