Electrostatic interaction on a pole.

Let's inject concept of power leptonic potential. The power potential of a lepton is defined{determined} by his{its} high-frequency impulse. This potential (for equator) is definable:


This parameter is very important also his{its} application will be in more detail surveyed in section "Inertness". While we shall consider usability of this parameter in view of his{its} change.
The same parameter for a pole:


Let's calculate a gravitational mass of a ring electron on a pole:


The gravitational mass has turned out incredibly small! The matter is that the surveyed ring lepton (as well for equator) is not that lepton which we have got used to view in a modern physics.
The binary leptonic line has a pair charge - the interior space (Time) charged positively, and exterior (Space) - subzeroly. The positive is inside the negative. Now we shall take one lepton from a line of Space and we shall locate it{him} apart " one meter " from a point of a taking as a ring lepton. In a place, whence have taken a lepton, "electron defect" - a deficiency of a lepton with a positive charge was formed, at the same time, in this place pressure drop was formed. There, where have located a ring lepton, surplus of the negative charge with pinch of pressure was formed. As the system aspires to equilibrium, charges will be aimed towards each other according to a Coulomb's law, where:

q1 - a positive charge of "electron defect" equal - 3,021х10 ^-7 Кл;

q2 - the negative charge of a ring lepton - 3,021х10 ^-7 Кл;

e0 - a permittivity of vacuum, equal densities - 4,694х10 ^-24 Ф/м;

R - 1,887х10^12 m - distance between the charges, perceived as 1 meter.
At power interactions it is necessary to take into account change of quantity of power leptonic potential. In our case quantity of leptonic potential decreases for coefficient of swerving:


Force of interaction between two charges on equator, at distance between them of 1 meter:


Effect{Result} same. Therefore we cannot identify magnification of the underload charge, change of a permittivity of vacuum as we make it an indirect route - through interaction and as the effect{result} does not vary there is an illusion, that quantities of the underload charge, a permittivity of vacuum, distances remain constant. The invariance of quantity of force can be presented through attitudes{relations} of coefficients of parameters of interaction when each coefficient numerically is equal to coefficient of swerving.


For example, for force of the Ampere:


It is definable some parameters of a static ring lepton:


The sectional area is equal to a sectional area of the linear lepton:




Velocity of a ring lepton is equal to velocity of a longitudinal lepton, then energy:


Gravitational mass:


The weight of such lepton on a pole corresponds{meets} to a weight of an electron. The static ring lepton and a lepton creating a wave are different particles and they cannot " be put on one shelf ".

On equator the gravitational mass of a static electron is equal 9,1х10 ^-31 kg.
Energy of a static lepton on equator:


For formation of a wave on equator enough one undular lepton on one planetary continuance{period}, on a pole of them it is necessary much more. We shall discover quantity{amount} of undular energy on one planetary continuance{period} on a pole:


Quantity{Amount} of ring leptons in a planetary continuance{period} if to consider, that the ring lepton has a stationary value additional charging by energy:


It is definable the aggregate length of a spiral line of the received quantity{amount} of ring leptons.
Length of a ring lepton 2,498х10 ^-2 m. Length of one turnover (length of one turnover of an axial line of a ring lepton):




Necessary step for maintaining velocity of a wave 5,66х10^20 m/s


The aggregate length of a spiral line:


That quite finds room in extent of a planetary continuance{period} 4х10^7 m.
On equator, for velocity of a wave 3х10^8 t m/s, a step of a lepton is equal 8,618х10 ^-16 m, practically radius of a lepton.
From above mentioned evaluations the quantity{amount} of the dense ring leptons giving a longitudinal wave is visible, that, at a motion from equator to a pole, is incremented. These dense leptons create some kind of "wall" that, for example, on a pole " will not meet with itself ". Besides these leptons are the parent{reason} of formation of magnetic-poles. The principle of formation of magnetic-poles is shown in figures (a pole A, pole В).

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