Physical properties of Time.

As information source for definition of key parameters of Time the appearance of a precession of an equinox serves. This effect originates because the Sun on horizon of the next planetary continuances{periods} rises not simultaneously, by virtue of that distance between equal points of a planetary period (40000km) are not equal to distance between centres of bundles of a solar signal. For 26000 year the point of an equinox transits the complete circle on a planet. From here we "dance".
Bias of a point of an equinox for one day:


On such quantity extent of equator differs from distance between solar axises. The necessary quantity{amount} of periods through which the point of an equinox will return to a main base, i.e. will happen bias of a point of an equinox on one day:


Extent of a planetary strip with a standing of points of an equinox with equal coordinates:


Extent of a strip at bias of a point of an equinox for one second (quantity{amount} of seconds in day - 24х3600):


We have found extent of one second. This quantity we shall term as velocity of Time and we shall mark out - Vt. So, velocity of Time is equal:

Bias on Time between points of equal geographical coordinates of a planetary continuance{period} is termed - as phase bias (Kalagia), and defined{determined} by formula


Velocity of Time is, enough relative concept, basic is phase bias on time between the next planetary continuances{periods}, but is defined{determined}, through the relative concept of velocity of Time.
In Kalagia it is told, that the density of Time is defined{determined} by a galvanometer. The density of substance is a quantity{an amount} of substance in unit volume, hence, density of Time - quantity{amount} " substances of Time " in unit time. As the density of Time is measured by a galvanometer the density of Time - is a charge, and dimensionality of density of Time corresponds{meets} to dimensionality of a charge:

* 1Кл = 1 kg / sec (kilogramme in a second)

It is definable pressure of Time by analogy to the formula:


Let's term pressure of Time - the Field gradient of Time and we shall mark out:



rt = Q = 5,7x10^5 Кл - the Planetary charge.
Quantity of intensity of Time shows quantity{amount} of energy in one second for the partial carrier (it is spoken: " Joules in a second. "), and also an energy flow through volume of the partial carrier.
For definition of quantity{amount} of energy in unit volume of Time it is necessary to spot an apparent density of Time. This quantity is defined{determined} from a Coulomb's law:

* We shall substitute dimensionality*

Quantity of a permittivity of vacuum has dimensionality - [kg / m^3], and shows volumetric density of an electric field or volumetric density of Time (on equator).


We determine volume of one second under the following formula:


Where q - the partial charge.

It is definable pressure of Time in volume:


It is enough this pressure to retain atom from fracture.
In work " General etherodynamics " V.A.Atsjukovskiy is given calculation of pressure on free ether. For density of an ether quantity of a permittivity of vacuum is accepted, also. Calculation for a proton - neutron nuclear interaction through energy of interaction, distance of decrease of interaction up to zero, the equal 1 Fermi, and cross-sectional areas of a nucleon, has given approximate result:


In our case effect{result} precise. We shall give the citation from Kalagia: " the Modern science has developed so, that is capable to create физическо-spiritual devices - laser installations, for example, - with which help some molecules are possible to embody a holographic expedient thousand unities of the BIT information on volume of Space quantity. That hour when it will be possible to make it on volume in one electron is near. Then discovery of that electrons, protons and other imagination - only a holographic image of former Fire charged with a grain and Light " will be made.
In Kalagia, also, it is spoken, that the neutrino bears{carries} the information on the universe. Also it is spoken, that a step to study of the Snake(Time) the lepton is.
For definition of parameters of a lepton we shall take advantage, also, of parameter of a planetary charge, considering, that the planetary charge is a quantity{an amount} of leptons in a line of Time of a planetary continuance{period}:


It is definable length of a lepton, radiating from length of a planetary continuance{period}, equal to length of the equator conterminous to a time axis:

Velocity of a lepton is defined{determined} as follows:


At Atsjukovskiy V=6,6x10^21 m/s
Also velocity is defined{determined} by formula:


Information capacity of a lepton it is determined by formula:


Substationary or tachyonary the mass of a lepton is defined{determined} by formula:


Total energy of a lepton for the fixed observer:


We determine volume of a lepton:


The lepton of Time has the cylindrical shape. The cross-sectional area is equal:


Radius of section of a lepton:

* (Fig. 57)

The lepton of Time is inside a lepton of Space which has the tubular shape and the same performances. The volume, length, substationary mass, etc. numerically are equal to a sectional area, then:

* (Fig. 58), where:

R - interior radius of a lepton.
R1 - exterior radius of a lepton.
In Kalagia it is told, that Time is standing waves of density. In a lepton of Time the mass distributed on a lepton nonuniformly. In volume of a lepton there is a band of obturating where all mass focused practically, and a band of rarefaction. The length of a band of obturating is computed by formula:


Process of formation of a standing wave of density will be surveyed below for now it is definable a gravitational mass of a lepton, regarding the version, that Time is the standing structure propellented with velocity of a planetary strip, and the planetary strip goes with velocity of Time


On V.A.Atsjukovskomu (the General etherodynamics) in itself pressure in medium does not influence occurrence of the force, aspiring to bias a body from one point of space in another. The parent{reason} of occurrence of force the difference of the pressures effective on a body from the opposite legs{parties} can be only. This difference can appear only in the event that in space there is a a gradient of pressures. At a constant pressure gradient in medium the force effective on a body, does not depend on orientation of a body in space. The force effective on a body is equal:
Fg = V gradP; the pressure gradient is definable:

Distance in "depth" of a planet up to initial or some "zero" level of pressure:


Let's consider parameters of a lepton which a ring bends a leptonic pair (fig. 59). Such lepton has parameters of a classical electron. A sectional area, velocity same as at a lepton of time.
Volume of a lepton:


From figure it is visible, that the exterior radius of a ring lepton is equal: Re=2,843х10 ^-15 m that corresponds{meets} to radius of an electron according to a modern physics.
Length of a lepton:

The lepton has spiral structure as the circumference of an axis is less a than gauge length (fig. 60).
Energy of an electron:


The ring lepton on equator has velocity equal velocities of Time then the substationary mass is equal:






This pressure influences a field gradient of Time and as length and volume of second to vary should not, we have:


As velocity of Time to vary should not - this intensity calls longitudinal waves in microleptonic lines of Space. Velocity of a longitudinal wave by analogy to the formula:

* *

We have received velocity of light - C.
Let's calculate pressure of a longitudinal wave in a leptonic line:


Quantity P = 7,96x10^5 is inversely proportional to quantity of a permeability of vacuum - mo. As the density of a microleptonic field is defined{determined} by a permittivity of vacuum it is gained known expression and which now gains physical sense:

Hence, the permeability of vacuum shows a "zero" level of pressure of a longitudinal wave in a microleptonic line.
Let's discover energy of a wave for a lepton of Space on equator:


Estimate a value intensity falling one lepton, radiating from quantity{amount} of the leptons, falling a planetary continuance{period}:


It is definable an information capacity of a wave of one lepton:


The parameter of an information capacity has not varied, hence, the parameter of a charge has not varied.


Hence, the exterior lepton of space transmits the information with the help of a wave and on equator has the underload charge.
The light wave transiting in an exterior lepton which we count Space, affects an interior lepton which we count Time. The same design procedure:


Velocity of a longitudinal wave:




Energy in volume of one lepton:


Information capacity:


The capacity of a lepton has not varied, hence, the charge has not varied.

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